Lesson 12 Breaking Addictions

addiction meditation kundalini

There are MANY things going on in our body that we can connect with if we tune into and are present to our energy. The second chakra, which is located in the lower abdominal area, is where much of our additive and „food“ issues reside. Whereas the third chakra can be identified by a pulse at a specific point, the second chakra is a space which generates flowing, rhythmic movement.

addiction meditation kundalini

From Darkness to Light: Addiction to Recovery with Kundalini Yoga

All our products have been approved by Guru Rattana, Ph.D., for the purposes of instruction in, and the daily practice of, the ancient and time-tested technology of Kundalini Yoga. They reflect her own unique perspectives and insights, inspired by a lifetime study of the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, and of Sikhism and other spiritual disciplines. Maybe weight and food problems are not really about food and addiction meditation kundalini weight. Maybe we should start out by loving our bodies as they are.

addiction meditation kundalini

International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association

addiction meditation kundalini

Daily practice to strengthen the navel center is the first commitment we need to make to ourselves. For any questions, comments or suggestions of a technical nature, please contact Webmaster. We would especially appreciate reports of any problems you may experience while accessing this site. In dealing with any challenge, the first step is to identify the need. The second step is to embrace it, NOT deny it or try to suppress it.

  • The dessert habit, however, is still in my genes.
  • Prehab is for everyone and everyone who learns the lessons of Prehab will never have to go to rehab like I did.
  • Almost everything I do is in one way or another related to the fact that I want to feel good all the time.
  • As the body gets accustomed to more complete foods, the sugar craving will subside.
  • Now all this is rather depressing except for the fact that we do have some very effective vitamin and mineral supplements available to us that can satisfy our bodies.
  • I remember several years ago I attended a class with about 40 other women at Khalsa Woman’s Training Camp, on habits, diet and eating.
  • If we are willing, we will over time experience inner power and peace.

Meditation for Healing Addictions

Breath of Fire is a great navel alcohol rehab breath as is the 4 Part Energizing Breath which I covered in our very first lesson. Do this 3-5 minute exercise 3 or more times a day, especially at moments when you are being pulled to a compulsive, addictive behavior. In the unconsciousness of our addictions, we are at a Distance from Ease.

You wouldn’t get the job done properly, so matter how hard you tried. Many addictions, especially smoking, drugs and alcohol, are related to the fire element. Navel breathing, especially Breath of Fire and 4 Part Breath, give us the fire energy we crave. As the energy we create begins to satisfy us, we are empowered to release ourselves from the hold of the addiction. I believe that getting sober at age 33 in 2008 was the beginning of my kundalini awakening.

  • Breath of Fire is a great navel breath as is the 4 Part Energizing Breath which I covered in our very first lesson.
  • Allow yourself to experience that the energy you bring in with the breath is feeding your body (because it is).
  • I began doing Stretch Pose and Ego Eradicator every day before getting out of bed, and it was suggested that I start a 40 day practice of Kirtan Kriya.

By eating millet, my body was able to have its need for Earth foods satisfied. Millet is one grain I still eat on a regular basis because it makes me feel satisfied and balanced. Ingesting „food“ that does not have its natural, complete vitamin-mineral content not only does not satisfy our bodies, it also creates cravings. This is because the body needs the complete vitamin-mineral structure to properly digest its food. If something is missing, the body will try to find it by depleting the rest of the body of those particular vitamins or minerals and by sending out „hunger“ signals demanding what it needs. When the belly is relaxed, digestion and elimination can occur in a natural and peaceful matter.

Combining the Power of Kundalini Yoga with the 12 Steps of Recovery from Addiction

I say minimize the damage and do your best to keep your body at peace without ingesting the known addictive foods – refined sugar being on the top of the list. We can use our addictive tendencies as a path to empowerment. In the process we can claim „the gifts from the garbage.“ Pollution, purification, chemical additives and processing of water has debilitated our water to the extent that it cannot be fully absorbed by our cells. We are born with 98% water content in our bodies.

Spiritual Names

I made the decision to eat only until I was full and then I would stop. It took me about 2 months to get into the habit and integrate the strategy into my psyche. I am so much more comfortable mentally and physically that to do any differently is not even an option.

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